August 27, 2018
Filing a claim with Root is easy—right when you need it to be
Filing a claim after a car accident or storm damage can be stressful and time-consuming—often making an already frustrating situation worse. But at Root Insurance, we try to make the process as painless as possible—whether your windshield gets cracked, you get rear-ended, or a hurricane makes your car undrivable, you can file a claim right through the Root app.
We’ll walk you through the whole process. Just open the app, and tap File a claim on the home screen to get started. It only takes 5 minutes. Snap photos within the app to speed up our review process.
We start working on your claim right away.

First things first
Getting into an accident is distressing for everyone. We provide a guide in the app about what to do after an accident—including practical things like safety measures and not admitting guilt. Take a look to get prepared ahead of time.
Remember, Comprehensive and Collision coverages are optional, while Liability is mostly required everywhere. But, if you cause an accident—or someone else does, but they leave the scene—or you or Mother Nature cause damage to your car, Comprehensive and Collision are coverages you’ll likely be grateful to have.
Check out our post on how to choose Comprehensive and Collision coverages to learn more.
What happens after you file a claim?
After you submit your claim, a claims expert will get in touch to review it and discuss next steps.
Hopefully, you won’t ever need to file a claim, but being insured is your safety net when the unexpected happens and things do go wrong. And when and if that happens, we’ve got you covered.
Do you have Rental coverage to help you get a rental car after a covered accident?
If the time comes, and you need to file a claim
We hope you never have to use the claims feature. But, if you do, hopefully you’ll feel better knowing how simple and quick it is to file your claim online or in the app.
"Within the first few months I was rear ended. Root was amazing. It was easy to file my claim. Roadside assistance was available immediately. And the claims agent was awesome."
Learn more about filing claims, or add coverages to your policy right in the app—before an accident or storm damage—so we can make your bad day a little easier.
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